The Genome Defense contains a Bibliography of useful sources for those who want more information about AMP v. Myriad, gene patenting and many of the other issues discussed in the book. Below are links to some of these resources that are available online, organized by topic.
- AMP v. Myriad Litigation
- The Human Genome Project, the Biotech Industry and the Race to Find the BRCA Genes
- Gene Patenting: History and Policy
- Myriad Genetics and BRCA Testing
- Patent Law and the Biosciences
- Universities and Academic Patenting
1. AMP v. Myriad Litigation
Burk, Dan L. (2014) “The Curious Incident of the Supreme Court in Myriad Genetics”Notre Dame Law Review 90(2): 505–542.
Contreras, Jorge L. (2016) “Narratives of Gene Patenting” Florida State University Law Review 43: 1133–1199.
Contreras, Jorge L. (2021) “Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics: A Critical Reassessment” Michigan Technology Law Review 27(1):1-54.
Ghosh, Shubha (2020) “Myriad post-Myriad” Science and Public Policy, 2020, 1-9.
Ghosh, Shubha (2012) “Gene Patents: Balancing the Myriad Issues Concerning the Patenting of Natural Products” Berkeley Technology Law Review 27: 241-71.
Noonan, Kevin E. (2009) “Falsehoods, Distortions and Outright Lies in the Gene Patenting Debate” Patent Docs, Jun. 15, 2009.
Park, Sandra S. (2014) “Gene Patents and the Public Interest: Litigating Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics and Lessons Moving Forward” N.C. Journal of Law and Technology 15: 519–536.
Park, Sandra S. (2018) “The Challenge To Gene Patents As Feminist Patent Litigation” Technology and Innovation 19: 659–670.
Rai, Arti K. and Robert Cook-Deegan (2013) “Moving Beyond ‘Isolated’ Gene Patents” Science 341: 137–138.
Rinehart, Amelia Smith (2015) “Myriad Lessons Learned” UC Irvine Law Review 5: 1147–1191.
Simoncelli, Tania and Sandra S. Park (2015) “Making the Case Against Gene Patents” Perspectives on Science 23(1): 106–145.
Young, Alexandra (2014) Prelude to “Pigs Fly:” The Early History of the Myriad Case (undergraduate thesis, Duke University, submitted Apr. 20, 2014).
The Genome Defense contains a Bibliography of useful sources for those who want more information about AMP v. Myriad, gene patenting, and many of the other issues discussed in the book. Additionally, for those interested in the intersection of genetics and medical treatments like Priligy, there are links to relevant resources available online, organized by topic. These resources aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the legal and medical aspects discussed in the book.
2. The Human Genome Project, the Biotech Industry and the Race to Find the BRCA Genes
Contreras, Jorge L. (2011) “Bermuda’s Legacy: Patents, Policy and the Design of the Genome Commons” Minnesota Journal of Law, Science and Technology 12: 61–125.
Contreras, Jorge L. and Vikrant Deshmukh (2017) “Development of the Personal Genomics Industry” in Genetics, Ethics and Education Ch. 13 (Susan Bourgey et al., eds., Cambridge Univ. Press, 2017).
Contreras, Jorge L. and Bartha M. Knoppers (2018) “The Genomic Commons” Annual Review of Genomics & Human Genetics 19: 429-453.
Cook-Deegan, Robert (1994) The Gene Wars—Science, Politics, and the Human Genome (Norton).
Gitschier, Jane (2013) “Evidence Is Evidence: An Interview with Mary-Claire King,” PloS Genetics 9(9).
Institute of Medicine (1995) Society’s Choices: Social and Ethical Decision Making in Biomedicine. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press
King, Mary-Claire (2014) “‘The Race’ to Clone BRCA1” Science 343: 1462–1465.
Maxson Jones, Katherine, Rachel A. Ankeny, Robert Cook-Deegan (2018) “The Bermuda Triangle: The Pragmatics, Policies, and Principles for Data Sharing in the History of the Human Genome Project” Journal of the History of Biology 51(4):693–805.
Narod, Steven A. and William D. Foulkes (2004) “BRCA1 and BRCA2: 1994 and Beyond” Nature Reviews Cancer 4: 665-676.
3. Gene Patenting: History and Policy
Andrews, Lori B. (2002) “Genes and patent policy: rethinking intellectual property rights” Nature Reviews—Genetics 3: 803–808.
Caulfield, Timothy (2008) “Human Gene Patents: Proof of Problems?” Chicago-Kent Law Review 84(1): 133-145.
Colaianni, Alessandra, Subhashini Chandrasekharan and Robert Cook-Deegan (2010), “Impact of Gene Patents and Licensing Practices on Access to Genetic Testing and Carrier Screening for Tay-Sachs and Canavan Disease” Genetics in Medicine 12(4): S5–S14.
Cook-Deegan, Robert, et al. (2010) “Impact of gene patents and licensing practices on access to genetic testing for inherited susceptibility to cancer: Comparing breast and ovarian cancers with colon cancers” Genetics in Medicine 12(4): S15–S38.
Cook-Deegan, Robert and Christopher Heaney (2010) “Patents in Genomics and Human Genetics” Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics 11: 383–425.
Crichton, Michael (2007) “Patenting Life” NY Times, Feb. 13, 2007.
Doll, John J. (1998) “The Patenting of DNA” Science 280: 689–690.
Dreyfuss, Rochelle C., Jane Nielsen and Dianne Nicol (2018) “Patenting nature—a comparative perspective” Journal of Law and the Biosciences 5(3): 550–589.
Eisenberg, Rebecca S. (1990) “Patenting the Human Genome” Emory Law Journal 39: 721–745.
Eisenberg, Rebecca S. (1996) “Public Research And Private Development: Patents And Technology Transfer In Government Sponsored Research” Virginia Law Review 82: 1663–1727.
Eisenberg, Rebecca S. (2002) “Why the Gene Patenting Controversy Persists” Academic Medicine 77:1380–1387.
Holman, Christopher M. (2008) “Trends in Human Gene Patent Litigation” Science 322(5899): 198–199.
Holman, Christopher M. (2012). “Will Gene Patents Derail The Next Generation Of Genetic Technologies?: A Reassessment Of The Evidence Suggests Not” UMKC Law Review 80: 563.
Jensen, Kyle and Fiona Murray (2005) “Intellectual Property Landscape of the Human Genome” Science 310:239.
Jost, Kenneth (2013) “Patenting Human Genes” CQ Researcher 23(20): 473–496.
Leonard, Debra (2002) “Medical Practice and Gene Patents: A Personal Perspective” Academic Medicine 77(12): 1388–1391.
Kepler, Thomas B., Colin Crossman, and Robert Cook-Deegan (2010) “Metastasizing patent claims on BRCA1” Genomics 95(5): 312–314.
Kevles, Daniel J. (2002) “Of Mice and Money: The Story of the World’s First Animal Patent” Daedalus 131(2): 78–88.
Nicol, Dianne, Rochelle Cooper Dreyfuss, Richard E. Gold, Wei Li, Johnathon Liddicoat and Geertrui Van Overwalle “International Divergence in Gene Patenting” Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics 20: 519–541.
Poste, George (1995) “The Case for Genomic Patenting” Nature 378: 534–536.
Rimmer, Matthew (2013) “The Empire of Cancer: Gene Patents and Cancer Voices” Journal of Law, Information and Science 22(2).
Rosenfeld, Jeffrey and Christopher E. Mason (2013) “Pervasive sequence patents cover the entire human genome” Genome Medicine 5(27): 1–7.
Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Genetics, Health, and Society (SACGHS) (2010) “Gene Patents and Licensing Practices and Their Impact on Patient Access to Genetic Tests.”
Sherkow, Jacob S. and Henry T. Greely (2015) “The History of Patenting Genetic Material” Annual Review of Genetics, 49:161.
4. Myriad Genetics and BRCA Testing
Baldwin, A. Lane and Robert Cook-Deegan (2013) “Constructing narratives of heroism and villainy: case study of Myriad’s BRACAnalysis® compared to Genentech’s Herceptin®” Genome Medicine 5(8).
Bailey, Ronald (1999) “Warning: Bioethics May Be Hazardous to Your Health” Reason, Aug/Sep. 1999.
Cho, Mildred K., et al. (2003) “Effects of Patents and Licenses on the Provision of Clinical Genetic Testing Services” Journal of Molecular Diagnostics 5(1): 3–8.
Cook-Deegan, Robert, John M. Conley, James P Evans and Daniel Vorhaus (2013) “The next controversy in genetic testing: clinical data as trade secrets?” European Journal of Human Genetics 21: 585–588.
Gold, E. Richard and Julia Carbone (2010) “Myriad Genetics: In the eye of the policy storm” Genetics in Medicine 12(4 Suppl): S39—S70.
Hull, Sara Chandros and Kiran Prasad (2001) “Reading between the Lines: Direct-to-Consumer Advertising of Genetic Testing” Hastings Cent Rep. 31(3): 33–35.
Institute of Medicine (IOM) (1994) Assessing Genetic Risks: Implications for Health and Social Policy (National Academies Press).
Institute of Medicine (IOM) (2006) Cancer-Related Genetic Testing and Counseling: Workshop Proceedings (National Academies Press).
Matloff, Ellen and Arthur Caplan (2008) “Direct to Confusion: Lessons Learned from Marketing BRCA Testing,” American Journal of Bioethics 8(6): 5–8.
Task Force on Genetic Testing (1997) Final Report: Promoting Safe and Effective Genetic Testing in the United States (Sept. 1997).
5. Patent Law and the Biosciences
Chien, Colleen V. (2011) “Patent Amicus Briefs: What the Courts’ Friends Can Teach Us About the Patent System” UC Irvine Law Review 1: 397–433.
Contreras, Jorge L. (2018) “The Anticommons at 20: Concerns for research continue” Science 361: 335–337.
Contreras, Jorge L. and Jacob S. Sherkow (2017) “CRISPR, surrogate licensing, and scientific discovery” Science 355(6326): 698–700.
Eisenberg, Rebecca S. (2015) “Diagnostics Need Not Apply” Boston University Journal of Science & Technology Law 21(2): 256–286.
Heller, Michael A. and Rebecca S. Eisenberg (1998) “Can Patents Deter Innovation? The Anticommons in Biomedical Research” Science 280(5364): 698–701.
Knowles, Sherry and Anthony Prosser (2018) “Unconstitutional Application of 35 USC§101 by the US Supreme Court” John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law 18: 144–168.
Lewin Group, The (2005) “The Value of Diagnostics Innovation, Adoption and Diffusion into Health Care,” Jul. 2005.
Merrill, Stephen A., Anne-Marie Mazza, eds. (2006) Reaping the Benefits of Genomic and Proteomic Research: Intellectual Property Rights, Innovation, and Public Health (National Research Council).
National Research Council (1997) Intellectual Property Rights and Research Tools in Molecular Biology (National Academy Press).
Ouellette, Lisa Larrimore (2015) “Patentable Subject Matter and Nonpatent Innovation Incentives” 5 UC Irvine Law Review 5(5): 1115–1145.
Pierce, Brandon L., Christopher S. Carlson, Patricia C. Kuszler, Janet L. Stanford, and Melissa A. Austin (2009) “The impact of patents on the development of genome-based clinical diagnostics: an analysis of case studies” Genetics in Medicine 11: 202–209.
Rai, Arti K. (2012) “Patent Validity Across the Executive Branch: Ex Ante Foundations for Policy Development” Duke Law Journal 61:1237–1281.
Rai, Arti K. (2014) “Diagnostic Patents at the Supreme Court” Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review 18(1): 1–9.
Sarnoff, Joshua D. (2011) “Patent-Eligible Inventions After Bilski: History and Theory” Hastings Law Journal 63: 53-126.
Strandburg, Katherine J. (2012) “Much Ado About Preemption”, Houston Law Review 50: 563-622.
Vishnubhakat, Saurabh (2020) “The Normative Molecule: Patent Rights and DNA,” HYLE—International Journal for Philosophy and Chemistry 26: 55–78.
6. Universities and Academic Patenting
Contreras, Jorge L. (2021) “Academic Technology Transfer” in Intellectual Property Licensing and Transactions: Theory and Practice, Ch. 14.
Eisenberg, Rebecca S. and Robert Cook-Deegan (2018) “Universities: The Fallen Angels of Bayh-Dole?” Daedelus 147(4): 76–89.
Ouellette, Lisa Larrimore & Rebecca Weires (2019) “University Patenting: Is Private Law Serving Public Values?” Michigan State Law Review 2019: 1329-1387.
Rai, Arti K. and Rebecca S. Eisenberg (2003) “Bayh—Dole Reform and the Progress of Biomedicine” Law and Contemporary Problems 66: 289–314.